Tree Care

Here are some tips to help you care for your trees:


  1. Do:*Plant your trees right away
  2. Do: *Keep the trees damp and cool


  1. Do NOT:*Leave the bag of trees in your car or sitting in the sun 
  2. Do NOT:*Soak the trees in a bucket of water
tree planting guidelines

Sweating Trees

Sweating Trees Certain species of bare root stock should be “sweated” for best survival in the field. Sweating helps break dormancy created by a winter of cold storage. To sweat the stock it needs increased humidity and warmth until the buds start to swell, usually in only a few days. This can be accomplished by setting the trees in a warmer place (60-70 degrees F.) inside a building (but not in the direct sun) and keeping the roots moist. Check daily for moisture and to see when the buds begin to swell. It is important that you not begin sweating stock until planting conditions are also warm and moist. Planting sweated stock into subfreezing or very cold conditions will defeat the purpose. Species that may require sweating are Maple, Oak, Birch, and Rose.

Watering newly planted trees and shrubs need regular and consistent watering until root systems establish and require more frequent watering than established trees and shrubs. They should be watered at planting time and at these intervals:

1-2 weeks after planting, water daily.

3-12 weeks after planting, water every 2 to 3 days.

After 12 weeks, water weekly until roots are established.

winterizing trees


Winter can be hard on small trees and shrubs.

Mice, rabbits, voles and deer can all cause severe damage to plants in the winter by feeding on twigs, bark, leaves and stems. They can eat shrubs to the ground and also girdle trees and shrubs by chewing through the bark.

The best overall strategy for protecting your trees and shrubs from animal browsing is to reduce areas of habitat and use physical barriers to prevent them from getting to your plants.

diagram showing correct tree mulching

Mulching Trees

Mulching around newly planted trees and shrubs with organic materials (wood chips, pine needles, etc.) has several advantages over bare soil cultivation.

  • Decreases water evaporation from soil.
  • Serves as a sponge that prevents runoff around plants growing in heavy